暖陽 Gentle Sunlight – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳

Gentle Sunlight

  • Size:60.5 × 91 cm
  • Material:Mineral pigments, acrylics on paper
  • Year:2025
  • Price:台幣 NT$77,000
  • Depiction:

    This piece captures the view of the sky from the rooftop of a rented home. In the deep autumn of northern Taiwan, after consecutive days of damp and chilly weather, the sky finally clears. Towering clouds, rarely seen, are illuminated by gentle sunlight, offering a fleeting moment of brightness and warmth amidst the unpredictable shifts of autumn and winter.

    Layered washes of mineral pigments such as ultramarine, burnt ultramarine, and indigo bring forth a clear, freshly washed blue sky on paper, preserving the ever-changing weather and seasonal transitions of island life.

Other works from【TAN Jui Wen 】