微光IV Glimmers of Light IV – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳
Home Gallery Yi Yun Art TAN Jui Wen Glimmers of Light IV

Glimmers of Light IV

  • Size:65 × 46 cm
  • Material:Aluminum foils, mineral pigments, acrylics on paper
  • Year:2024
  • Price:台幣 NT$49,500
  • Depiction:

    After the rain, a walk through the greenery led to a chance encounter with a rice paddy. A towering high-voltage transmission tower stood in its midst, with power lines stretching across the sky, weaving a unique composition with the distant elevated highway. Soft light pierced through the layered clouds, reflecting off the mirror-like surface of the water, capturing a scene characteristic of Taiwan’s landscape.

    This piece is created on a base of metal foil, with layers of ink and earth pigments meticulously applied. Through a wiping technique, the luster of the foil is revealed, evoking the reflective quality of water. It seeks to capture the interplay of moisture and light in Taiwan’s environment, transforming it into a vivid visual experience.

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