桌上置月,月有美紋 – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳
Home Gallery 99° Art Center Yoshio Nitta I put a moon on the table, it has beautiful pattern

I put a moon on the table, it has beautiful pattern

  • Size:15×13×70 cm
  • Material:Copper, bronze, weatherresistant steel, stainless steel
  • Year:2024
  • Price:台幣 NT$115,500
  • Depiction:
    Yoshio Nitta was born in Aichi Prefecture, Japan in 1969. He majored in sculpture at Kyoto City University of the Arts and graduated in 1994. Before that, he studied Japanese painting under his mentor, the Japanese painter Hoshino Shingo. He has held several solo exhibitions in Japan, including Osaka City, and many group exhibitions in Australia, Denmark, Korea, and the UAE outside of Japan. He has regularly participated in the Sculpture by the Sea since 2005 and exhibited at the Sea Sculpture in Aarhus in 2009. He finished the artist residency in Korea in 2009. Nitta's work is on display in private and public collections around the world and across Australia, and his work is on display in the Cottesloe Town Sculpture Collection in Perth, Western Australia. For his work he dreams of putting the moon on his desk so he could look at it up close and then he imagined that someone was living there.

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