Magellan – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳
  • Size:46 x 38 cm
  • Material:Acrylic on Canvas
  • Year:2022
  • Depiction:
    Jude Fenu is a contemporary French artist of Italian descent.  He came from an art family. In the process of learning music, painting and visual art in his early age, creative expression has always been Jude Fenu's current feelings.  In the process of creating works, colors and composition forms are continuously refined. In his mind, painting is a kind of energy and gesture, and it is also a form of visual dance, not an ordinary solidified product.  With more creative styles, techniques, goals and explorations, Judd Fenu's painting forms coexist in order and disharmony, creating a cohesion of fluidity, depth and space.  He created his own creative process with multiple stages perfectly matched artistic expression skills—discovery, undo, redo, polish, scratch, erase, etc.  The mysterious painting style makes people associate emotions and opinions: fear, hope, excitement, peace, longing, frustration, happiness and connection.

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