F2405-1- 流散 – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳

F2405-1- Diaspora

  • Size:47×56×8cm
  • Material:Charcoal on panel
  • Year:2024
  • Price:台幣 NT$99,000
  • Depiction:
    The artist Kim Youngsoo has bid farewell to long-term painting creation and uses the abandoned existence on this land as another form of memory in our lives. The artist creates images (two-dimensional) of earth, a two-dimensional surface made of charcoal and earth, and a two-dimensional surface made entirely of charcoal. Kim Youngsoo believes that our lives are not things that can be seen or observed, but are experienced through the self-awareness of the living person, expressed as a reality of emotion (pathos). "I was born into this world, as a person, as a woman. These years are a history of joy and sorrow, the accumulation of dreams and scars. When my life ends, they will turn into inorganic matter, oxidizing into nothingness. Everything in this world that has oxidized and scattered endlessly are traces of you and me, who once lived yesterday. They are our marks. What is discarded beneath our feet is merely forgotten things, but they are records of countless lives and will never disappear." The materials used in the work include paint, mixed earth and medium, and fragments of raw charcoal. These materials form cracks as they dry on the canvas. The cracks themselves create inherent symbols, like a spontaneous, subjective gesture of language. The entire picture resembles the earth or the ocean, carrying and accepting everything, while the scattered charcoal fragments symbolize experiences, memories, desires, and sensory clumps that lie within the unconscious. Visually, these fragments expand into symbols of islands, rocks, and dispersion. Kim Youngsoo enjoys witnessing the things that once grew brightly, ultimately returning to the earth, through the use of abandoned charcoal fragments and earth.

Other works from【Young-Soo KIM】