等待,與牠 – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳

Wating With a Dog

  • Size:27.5x19.5cm
  • Material:Etching, Aquatint, Chincolle
  • Year:2024
  • Depiction:

    This artwork, Waiting With a Dog (2024), by Akimitsu Tamawake, is a copper etching with aquatint and chine-collé. The piece encapsulates Tamawake’s signature approach—blending traditional printmaking techniques with surreal and introspective narratives.

    A young figure, seemingly contemplative, holds a paintbrush while a dog drapes over their shoulders in an intimate yet ambiguous gesture. The monochromatic tones, intricate textures, and soft linework evoke a sense of quiet solitude, reinforcing the artist’s exploration of emotional landscapes and personal symbolism. The presence of the dog suggests companionship, patience, and perhaps a waiting that extends beyond the immediate moment—a theme that resonates with Tamawake’s poetic storytelling.

Other works from【Akimitsu TAMAWAKE】