梁凱棋Leung Hoiki _昔日的海岸線II The bygone coastline II – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳
Home Gallery Soka Art Hoiki LEUNG The bygone coastline II

The bygone coastline II

  • Size:52. 5 × 42. 5 cm
  • Material:Ps Plate, Hemp Paper, Pvc, Ink
  • Year:2023
  • Price:台幣 NT$45,000
  • Depiction:
    Continuing the exploration of the experience of migration and memory, the work draws on the landscape of Taoyuan's Beitang, which has been transformed as a result of urban renewal. Based on the photographic archives, the work uses printmaking techniques to deconstruct and reorganize the images, translating digital photography into negative visualization, and turning them into a “positive” text that is worthy of viewing. The work re-examines the way of viewing traditional images, so that the image is not only a one-way record, but also transformed into a multi-layered trace of time. Through the change of media, the viewer can wander between the image and the material, and perceive the fluidity of memory and space.

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