林葆靈 Baoling Lin_怪盜與偵探 The Phantom Thief and the Detective – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳
Home Gallery Soka Art Baoling LIN The Phantom Thief and the Detective

The Phantom Thief and the Detective

  • Size:20 x 20 cm
  • Material:Watercolor, Acrylic and Ink on Watercolor Paper
  • Year:2024
  • Price:台幣 NT$18,000
  • Depiction:
    The “Little Guy Without a Name” series, which symbolizes the self, is the writing of Baoling Lin's life experience, through which he expresses his loneliness, helplessness, and perseverance in life.

Other works from【Baoling LIN】