夢想飛行家與小布 (黃) The Dream, The Aviator And Little Boo – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳
Home Gallery V'Art Space Qiong WU The Dream, The Aviator And Little Boo

The Dream, The Aviator And Little Boo

  • Size:17.4x9.4x26cm /500
  • Material:PU & Fiberglass
  • Year:2021
  • Depiction:
    This concept is furthered by the innocent expressions on the faces of his sculptures and paints subject, which are a great part of their appeal. Sometimes his characters march to tunes in their heads, or take to the air amidst fluffy white clouds. At other times, they come to terms with reality  – which possibly symbolizes the artist – along with his alter egos in the guise of children-having woken up to the way life really is.

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