享受雲端飲料 Enjoying A Drink Among The Clouds – ART TAINAN OVR 台南藝術博覽會線上展廳
Home Gallery V'Art Space Zhe-Bin LI Enjoying A Drink Among The Clouds

Enjoying A Drink Among The Clouds

  • Size:76x76cm
  • Material:Acrylic On Linen
  • Year:2024
  • Depiction:
    Stinky brat—the grumpy little boy whose face scrunches up when he's angry. Childhood is beautiful, yet it comes with plenty of small disappointments that are both endearing and charming. The artist draws inspiration from his own child, whose perception of the world is fresh and independent, unbound by adult judgments, sometimes even displaying anger in ways that completely baffle grown-ups. When a child gets angry, you find yourself wanting to soothe him while also admiring his adorable expression. Through these creations, the artist ventures into the realm of childhood to understand the purest and most lovable spirit. In essence, everyone is a grown-up child, and this seemingly rebellious state also reflects the environment we inhabit.

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