Born in 1969 in Taiwan, Yilan Bachelor of Fine Arts from Tunghai University Master'sdegree in Philosophy from National Central University Doctorate in Fine Arts from China Academy ofArt Awards: Lecturer at Yilan University and Fo Guang University Chairman of the Yilan County ArtAssociation (2nd term) Instructor at Academia Academic Creative Oil Painting Workshop Member ofYilan County Public Art Review Committee Member of Yilan County Art Education Review Committee(1st term) Member of Yilan County Collection Review Committee (~2020) With serene tranquility inbamboo groves, pure elegance in lotus flowers, majestic grandeur in Yushan, and the fulfilling richnessin red persimmons, Professor Shen Dongrong employs a rigorous yet innovative approach, blendingthe artistic strengths of the East and the West. His warm and harmonious colors carry a refined Zen
spirit, creating ethereal landscapes that captivate viewers and invite them to immerse themselves.Growing up in the beautiful landscapes of Yilan, surrounded by lush rice paddies, vibrant flowers andfruits, endless coastlines, and mesmerizing clouds, Professor Shen has a wealth of subjects for hispaintings, each reflecting the changing seasons and climates. Graduating from the Fine Artsdepartment at Tunghai University and earning a master's degree in philosophy from National CentralUniversity, Professor Shen obtained his Ph.D. in Fine Arts from the China Academy of Art in 2008. Hisbackground in aesthetics and philosophy allows him to transcend mere depiction of objects in hisartwork, delving deeper into the exploration of beauty and the essence of the subjects. Using oilpaints, he captures the purity and spirit of traditional Chinese painting, skillfully employingtransparent layers and stacking pigments to create various spatial atmospheres. Professor Shen'smastery of classical oil painting techniques and contemporary artistic control over materials result in atransformation from pure realism to slightly abstract, imagery-based techniques. He pioneers a newpeak in landscape painting, simplifying complexity, transforming scenes into environments, andturning images into meanings. His avant-garde ink-splashed landscapes showcase both classical andmodern aesthetics, allowing viewers to experience the joy of life and be moved by the beauty ofnature.