The creation and discussion
the conclusion of the Great Sky series , a creative direction involves making some changes to the subjects being depicted, as well as altering the composition compared to previous works. In a single piece, I aim to distinguish and juxtapose different people, events, and objects using a grid format, allowing the audience to think about and combine their relationships.
Educational background
1982 Born in Taiwan
2001~2007 NTUA Department of Fine Arts
2012~Present NTNU Master of Art in Fine Art-Western Art
Awards History
2016 The Artlight Award West Painting - gold medal award
2014 The Artlight Award West Painting - gold medal award
2014 the2ndGrandViewAward
2013 Union Art rookies-quality award
2013 the 1stGrand View Award
2012 Xingtian Temple Art Award West Painting -quality award
2012 Naying Award West Painting -quality award
Solo Exhibitions
2023 《Home》Mars Ma Solo Exhibition
2018 《What about us…?》Mars Ma/《Farewell》Leong Man Teng Double Exhibition /Helios Gallery/Taipei
2017 《Universe in my mind》solo exhibitions,King Car Education Foundation/Taipei
2015 《Geometry》solo exhibitions,Hakka Culture Center/Taoyuan
Joint Exhibitions
2024 Art Tainan/Silks Place Hotel/Tainan
2022 Art Tainan/Silks Place Hotel/Tainan
2021 Art Tainan/ Shangri-La Far Easten Hotel/Tainan
2020 《 Accompanied》Mars MA/ Leong Man Teng/ YANG Zong Jia Group Exhibition/Helios Gallery/Taipei
2020 Art Tainan on-line / Tayih Landis Hotel/Tainan
2019 Art Tainan/ Tayih Landis Hotel/Tainan
2017 《Original Self》Yuyu Chen/Huang Wen Hsiang/Mars Mar/Li Cheng Hsun Group Exhibition,Helios Gallery/Taipei
2016 《He/She》,Julia Gallery/Taipei
2015 《NTNU Biennale》,The-Chun Art Gallery /Taipei
2015 《Hey! I am in Taipei.》Humanities and Landscapes Art Exhibition /Taipei
2014 《Clockwise》,The-Chun Art Gallery /Taipei
2014 Artist Fair, SHIN KONG MISUKOSHI A9/Taipei
2014 《Sa tune》,No.16 Chingtian/Taipei